Plans for the future
Anime Probably the main objective of this new site, and of the widest breadth too, is to progressively broaden the scope of the characters becoming a true Anime site in the more general sense (the new name is not casual): of course my modeling skills will have to improve correspondingly and acquire new features, especially with respect to organic subjects, and it's not a joke. I hope to make a gradual transition out of it: if everything will go smoothly, the first results won't take a long time.Tutorials A tutorial section is definitely at the top of my projects too: I have already figured out topics, structures and style but I'm firmly oriented not to release anything before completing the whole course I have in mind. One thing I'm however yet considering is to what extent the future material has to be platform independent, i.e., where and if to mention tools and procedures of a specific 3D software: the best thing would be of course to devise a completely abstracted exposition but I'm afraid that this will not always be possible.
Robots Of course new robots will come along: I figure to score ten at least (the next five on the list I let you guess). My aim is to be able to deliver a new robot about each month. I've started with the popular Gundam RX-78, which is the most difficult subject among the "classic" Super Robots: I hope the the next ones will be much faster and easier to realize.
Animation How not to mention animation when talking about 3D graphics? A wonderful dream at present, taking into account the resources needed, but partially relieved by the fact that, after all, the WWW is not yet the most suitable media to exchange heavy video streams. A partial consolation for this (and a nice way to enrich the site attractions) could be represented by the possibility to introduce animated GIFs which would provide, in a smaller scale, the feeling of what an animation featuring these subjects would be like. Considering that I already have to produce frames sequences to get certain effects for my pictures, a future section of SA3D completely devoted to GIF animation could not be so far.
Web Publishing A not secondary target is also to improve the HTML features of my pages: since I create every detail of each page and since there are several places where I could place graphical enrichments, this is going to be quite a slow process. On a more serious side, one thing is surely missing from my Web weaponry is Java or whatever other scripting knowledge to provide the site a minimum of interactivity: I'd have a couple of ideas about how to give spice to some site parts (the map, for instance) but I'm completely stopped by a matter I know to little about to even try something.
Go Nagai Finally, let's talk of something closer to a wish than to a true ambition: submitting some pictures of, say, Jeeg or Grendizer to their mythical father, namely Go Nagai (Gundam however is a creation of Yoshiyuki Tomino) and having some opinions. Anyone out there knows how to reach him?